President: Nancy Santos
Vice President: Tom Heinrich
Treasurer: Jennifer Viera
Secretary: Lydia Heinrich
CIO: Nancy Santos
Player Agent: Nicole Ortiz
Safety Officer: Open Position
Umpire In Chief: Jeff Pratt
Fundraising/Concession Coordinator: Nicole Ortiz
Coaches Mgr/Activities: Michael Carey
Field Maintenance: Dave Ortiz
Sponsorship: Bri Macias
Registration Coordinator: Open position
Team Parent Coordinator: Open Position
Social Media: Open Position
Communications: Open Position
Webmaster: Open Position
Members at Large: Vanessa Frausto, Abel Saldana, James Hatch, Victor Solanoy, Katie Rhodes, Derek Wycoff, Bhavesh Mistry, Hycinth Salinas.
Board Meetings are usually held the 3rd Monday of the month at 7:00pm.
We are always in need of volunteers. Please fill out Volunteer application on the Forms page and email it to
Our fans are a real part of our team. Send us a message to cheer us on, or ask us a question about our training. We look forward to hearing from you, and we will get back to you soon.