This is for beginning players 4 - 6 years old. Hitters use a tee and learn the basics of safety, batting and fielding.
This is for players ages 7 - 9 years old. The beginning of the season starts off as Coach Pitch and then half way through the season we transition to player pitch and buidling fundamentals.
This is for ages 8 - 11 years old with player pitch all season. Continuation of instructional training and building skills.
This is for ages 10 - 12 year olds with previous baseball experience. It is an advanced division and competitive.
This is for ages 12 and 13 years old that have several years of experience playing baseball. It is played on a 50 foot pitching distance and 70 foot base paths field.
Juniors are ages 12 - 14 years old and Seniors are ages 13 -16 years old with several years of playing baseball is played on a 60 foot pitching distance and 90 foot diamond.
Determine your players league age: Age Calculator
East Hills Little League is open to al children within our league boundaries or attending school full time in those boundaries. Check boundaries here
Residency established by one school attendance verification form or by three or more documents of parent/guardian residency including, but not limited to the following: